Submissions guidelinesNEW - PHOTO READY COPYSubmissions for "revised accepted papers" and "Work in Progress" have been completed. Thank you to send to the following address: esfss2018@progepi.fr, your document "Photo ready Copy" for June 30 at the latest,
Special poster session for "Works in progress"A special session is open for works in progress with the opportunity to present your first results or innovative methods on current projects. Deadlines: Download the Works in progress Template (Word)Download the Works in progress Template (PDF)____________________________________________________________________________________________
Your submission will be done with a single file, up to 6 pages maximum. Your document will be used in two ways: 1. The first page will provide a one-page summary. This page will be used in the book of abstracts for the conference. This abstract will be the first page of your file.Do not start the introduction here. Skip to the next page for your introduction. 2. The complete document, which should not exceed 6 pages including the first-page summary, will be used for the conference proceedings published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Download the Template and submission instructions (Word)Download the Template and submission instructions (PDF)PUBLICATIONS AND PROCEEDINGSAll accepted papers, either for oral or poster presentation, will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, an open journal with fast publication process, referenced in Scopus and Web of Science. A USB key will be also provided to all participants with a copy of the presented papers for immediate reading during the conference. In addition, a selection of the best papers will be done, based on the recommendations of the reviewers and with a final decision made by the Symposium Co-chairs. Authors of selected papers will be asked, if interested, to extend their paper before submission for a special issue in Fire Safety Journal. |